Monday, May 31, 2010

Sundogs, The Story

I've come a long way, baby.

Three years and 2 months ago, I left an abusive 30 year marriage. I saved my life, and eventually, saved my son too. It's been a long hard road. But there were lessons learned that I treasure. My life has taken a path that I could not have imagined, which has brought me so much joy, so much fulfillment. I discovered Eckhart Tolle, Thich Nhat Hanh, Rhonda Byrne, William P. Young, Paulo Coelho, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, The Foundation for Inner Peace and countless others who taught me.....that we are all one thing, that love, unconditional love is the strongest force in the universe. That it is all that really matters, and that it is endures forever. Amazing things have happened to me along the way, and gratitude has become a way of life.

It was during this time that I saw my first sundogs.

 (This is NOT a picture I took, it is complements of a Google search!)  I saw the first one by accident, I only saw parts of it at a time, and didn't have a clue what it was. I took it as a personal gift to me. Then one day a few months later, I had been feeling really down. My ex had appealed the financial decision of our divorce judgment all the way to the Supreme Court. I still had, and have not yet, seen the first dime of the estate which I spent 30-something years of my life helping to build. My son is with me 24/7, money is tight, and sometimes I just get so tired of it.

One morning I was at a pretty low point, and was begging God, the Universe, to just give me a sign that it will all work out the way it should. That eventually I will be able buy a home again, that eventually, I will be able to go to the movies without feeling like I have to give up something else. That there will be an end to this madness one day.

Later that day, in the parking lot at Walmart, I saw a whole complete sundog. It was the most amazing phenomenon I have ever seen. And I knew that was my sign, to hold the course steady, that it will all be ok. I had to be a sight standing in that parking lot, looking at the sky, giggling, laughing, and just about crying all at the same time.

About the same time that the spiritual path presented itself to me, I began to make jewelry. At first, it was out of wanting to have some nice jewelry, and not being able to afford Lia Sofia, or Silpada. But I loved doing it. I loved creating something that I thought was beautiful. So, it became a kind of addiction, which I couldn't afford. I began to sell it at craft fairs, to my friends. But I began to want it to represent my new, and to me, profound, spiritual beliefs.

On my website, Sundogs Designs, you will find jewelry which is just pretty. (Just my opinion, you don't have to agree, LOL, although I hope you will!) And you will find jewelry which is designed to enhance our inner selves. Gratitude bracelets were my first spiritual design. Based on malas, they all started out with 18 beads, and a dangle which represents “the whole world” based on the Emerald Tablet, with three stones, one each for spirit, form and consciousness. I have gone on to make some with different numbers of stones, although they all have a harshad number of stones. I have also made chakra bracelets, which use combinations of carnelian, citrine, fresh water pearls, amber, rose quartz, jade, turquoise, lapiz, sodalite, and amethyst, in different designs to represent the 7 chakras. I hope to add chakra mala necklaces. And then, whatever and wherever the spirit moves me.

I recently learned to wire-wrap, and now have a number of beautiful stones and pieces of beach glass which I have found over the years, turned into really lovely pendants.

I hope that the spiritual part of my line catches on, to remind people of what is really important in life. I hope to add other mediums, and other types of spiritual art, crafts, and potpourri. I've come to think that we can add a joyful and spiritual dimension to every facet of our lives. I hope to add it to yours.

I hope you'll check out the site at It's in it's infancy, but I hope to see it blossom like a flower.

Thanks for reading this.

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